Feeling stuck somewhere.
Wanting to get out. How?
Finding what’s most important to me isn’t helping.
Why clinging to such feelings?
Attachments are what made us suffer.
The greatest attachment is the ego.
The ego that makes you think whether
You deserve the respect, love, efforts put in, etc.
Being aware and be free of all these require a strong heart.
I want to be stronger.
I want to be able to smile like I used to smile,
When I was daring to smile even in my most hardest and trying times.
I want to be carefree again.
Watching and observing kids are such privilege in this grown-up world.
We all have choices in life.
Making wrong choices do not mean the end of the world.
Be brave enough to accept who we are.
Our flaws, our beauties, our families, our friends, and our enemies.
We are a part of One World.
Seeing ourselves within the universe humble us down.
We are but a tiny dust in this space and time.
Worry? Why worry?
Taking everything easily makes things far better and happier.
However easily they are, do it all with your heart.
Going with the flow, be part of nature.
Don’t you think we are much happier, feel more alive,
Smelling and feeling the refreshing wet air in the morning.
Appreciating the present moment.
That is what you called being alive.
Being aware of ourselves means being aware of our surroundings.
Be free of thoughts and feelings, these delusions.
Free at last, free at last!
I’ve finally found the light within myself.
~written by me~
~May you be well, peaceful and happy~