Saturday, 23 October 2010

5 Things that I Am Grateful: Day #14

I am happy and grateful that...
  1. I am back home.
  2. Eat dinner with family.
  3. Have facial mask.
  4. Lazy around and watch tv.
  5. A clean room to stay.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

5 Things that I Am Grateful: Day #13

I am happy and grateful that..
  1. I get to finish Assassin Creed. Finally!~ ^o^
  2. Get to contribute a little bit to group project.
  3. Manage to take a good nap today.
  4. Learnt something in class.
  5. Get to play Ipad and Kirby! ^o^

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

5 Things that I Am Grateful: Day #12

I am happy and grateful that..
  1. I managed to finish and hand-in my PED1 report today.
  2. Managed to study a few pages of notes.
  3. Get to relax.
  4. I am well and healthy.
  5. Get to play games and go online.
  6. Knowing what I want; do not give-in on being stepped-on by people. I deserve to be treated better.
  7. I accept the way I am.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

5 Things that I Am Grateful: Day #11

I am happy and grateful that...
  1. I still remember to update my blog.
  2. Managed to complete 50% of my PED1 report.
  3. Managed to contribute a little bit to my group project.
  4. Get to watch movies and play games.
  5. Him being by my side.
  6. Get to use internet.
  7. Eat well, managed to control a better diet.
  8. Listen to music.
  9. Joke around.
  10. Having supportive friends.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

5 Things that I Am Grateful: Day #10

oh uh.. now only reach the tenth day of my mission. =0

I am happy and grateful that..
  1. I am now back at home..get to lazy around. xD
  2. Got hair treatment yday.
  3. Still learning to do better in my romance relationship.
  4. Still can sleep peacefully after a mosquitoes night attack!! @n@
  5. Plu had a good bath yday.
  6. My skin has improved after my body hormone has balanced up. =D

Saturday, 2 October 2010

5 Things that I Am Grateful: Day #9

So basically, I only get to blog when I got the chance to sit down and do my private stuff online. Otherwise, I only get to come online for studies purpose. TcT"

I am happy and grateful that..
  1. I get to do facial today.
  2. Get to play Assassin Creed from his ps3.
  3. He still loves me.
  4. I'd drived safely back home.
  5. Happy to be alive! ^o^