I am happy and grateful that..
- I've got a new rabbit yesterday. My first pet. He's just 3weeks old. But he's so approachable and warm-hearted. Although he's still fragile and weak, he's still energetic in his own way. Lovable indeed. ^_^
- Managed to study some for exam. Eventhough it is not much as I expect myself to absorb in this duration. Well, looking things at half-full is better than half-empty.
- My complexions got better after expose less to air-conditioning. Really harmful to my skin.. dehydrated my skin..made me more wrinkles and looked rough.
- Learning to let go of my attachments towards the rabbit. Otherwise, I would not be able to sleep well, study well and eat well. Glad that I am able to realise my own suffering early so that I know what to do for myself.
- Although I am anxious and feeling more stress for exam as the days got nearer. I am able to calm myself and reassure myself that I will be able to cope with the exam with enough knowledge to build my confidence. =D

His name is Le-Le. As in Kuai Le means Happy in Chinese.