Wednesday, 26 August 2009

In practice of Law of Attraction #1

I am aiming for what I am going to achieve and experience over my university life during year 2. So, here’s a practice for me to attract all the followings in life.

Since I have found a wonderful place in tts4wifi-precinct, may my room-mate (who I don’t know at the moment) is a wonderful person. May we be able to communicate with each other well. We’ll be able to get along very well along our uni life until graduate. If possible, we’ll attain great friendship and be able to live a happy and balanced uni life.

Since I have gotten a car (I am going to name him Plu), May I always be safe and alert on the road. May this car help me repay those that had helped me so much during my year 1. May Plu and me are able to communicate well. May I be discipline and treat Plu well.

Since I am entering year 2, the pressures on studies will increase than last year. May I be able to cope well under pressure. May I be surrounded with supportive friends. And I am thankful that I am able to find quite a number of relax, easy-going, and supportive friends during year 1. May they go through a wonderful uni life as well. May I find more wonderful friends and have a wonderful time together. Well, friends are very important part of my studies life as they are one of the important motivations that make my life more bearable. During my secondary school life and college life, am surrounded with wonderful friends. May I be able to maintain and find more wonderful friends during uni life as well. May those that are not studying the same place as me be able to enjoy a wonderful life and we still keep in touch.

Since our healths are in jeopardy of the H1N1 flu, may I stay healthy and strong. May I be able to take care of myself well. May I discipline myself to exercise and eat well. May all my friends stay healthy and be strong. My all of the uni-mates be healthy and strong. May everyone be healthy, happy, peaceful and well.

Since I will be away from my parents, may my mom and my father get along well. May they be healthy, strong, and live well. May my sis at New Zealand be healthy, strong and happy too. May my grandma, aunties, uncles and cousins have a great life too.

Since I have so many things in mind that I wish them to come true, may I be grateful for what I have at the moment. Gratitude-in-practice:-

I am grateful that I have this blog to help me practice the law of attraction.
I am grateful that I have a place to sleep.
I am grateful that I have a home to stay.
I am grateful that I have a family. (It may not be perfect, but I am grateful.)
I am grateful that I am surrounded by wonderful friends.
I am grateful that I’ve met wonderful soul-mates that came and went into my life. (My definition of soul-mate is not the married-couples type.)
I am grateful that I am able to find quite a number of precious friends.
I am grateful that these friends made a difference in my world.
I am grateful that I made a difference in this world.
I am grateful that I have a functional body to walk a normal daily life.
I am grateful that I have dreams and am pursuing them.
I am grateful that I am in practice of being happy.
I am grateful that I am single and on a journey to find who I really am.
I am grateful that I love myself.
I am grateful that I am on a journey to be a better person.
I am grateful that I am doing my best to be more loving and forgiving.
I am grateful that I am being loved by so many people.
I am grateful that I am spiritually strong and stable. (Though I am not strong in religion)
I am grateful that I am able to realise that I have so many good things in life.
I am grateful that I am able to achieve the dreams that I had achieved.
I am grateful that I have a simple, happy and peaceful life.
I am grateful that the dreams and goals that I am aiming for will be achieved someday.

I am grateful!

Friday, 21 August 2009

Thank you for loving me

Today, I had to let go of the relationship between Sha Zhu and I.
Our relationship lasted for 2 years 1month 2weeks 4days.
However, we are still friends. I still consider him as my best friend.

I do not have the energy to explain again how and why did it became this way.
So, I am going to use the letter I sent to sha zhu to justify myself.
Sha zhu, hope that you don’t mind.

Dear Sha Zhu,
   Before you start reading, please prepare your heart. This is not good news. Take a few deep breaths please before you continue. And please understand and be strong.
   I’ve been thinking a lot lately as you had known. Really a lot. These past few days, I woke up many times in the middle of the night feeling lost. Even though when I am emotionally calmed, I realised most part of me cannot hold on to the relationship anymore. I am really sorry. The doubts between the relationship and myself had started since beginning of this year (about February, March or April). I was beginning to doubt myself and my purpose for holding on to the relationship. These feelings of lost had started so long ago, each day I’m feeling more broken for feeling this way. 
   I was feeling lost and broken between afraid of losing you, my treasured person, and following my heart at the same time. These past few days, I only realized what my heart really wants. My heart is telling me that it is time to let go. Otherwise, if we prolong this situation longer, this would turn bitter and sour and we could suffer more. You can think that I am selfish. Maybe I am selfish. I did say that I want to give another try until December, but I did not persevere until the end. I am really sorry. I realised that I cannot be in a commitment now (I have too many pressures and responsibilities that I cant handle being serious and committed now). And there are many other factors that resulted to how I am feeling now. These past few months, I also realised that my addiction for mangas and dramas are a kind of sickness. I was running away from the reality and from myself by submerging myself into all these addiction. I don’t want to lose myself anymore. Hence, it is time for me to wake up and take the courage and face myself. I am sorry that I let you be involved in my own mess as well.
   You are a precious someone to me. I consider you as one of my most important person in life. What I went through with you during A-level and later on are all precious to me and changed me a lot. I can say, without your presence and supports, I would not be the present Woan Wei. I might be someone different. You taught me how to love myself. That’s one of the most important things I’ve learnt from you. Along my relationship with you, I’ve learnt many other great things as well. You have proved to me that our friendship survived no matter our relationship failed in the past. Hence, I would still want to remain with you as my best friend if it is still possible. As I told you before, I do still have feelings for you. However, again, my heart says it is time to let go and move on. And I need to be true to myself this time. I am really sorry that I cannot hold on with you in this relationship anymore. I understand and know that this will be hard on you and will hurt you, and it pains me as well to do so. I am really sorry. 
   We may still end up being together in future. However, we do not know how the future will be. This time, please do no wait for me. I wish that you could go further in life without a burden of waiting-for-me with you. I will do the same as well.
   Is it possible that we remain as best friend? I would not want to lose you too. But if you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable with it, I will understand. 
   Please forgive me. And if you ever feel that you have lost me. Please don’t feel this way. You will never lose me. Let the memories of our past be of something to cherish. And lets face forward and strive for our goals and dreams in life individually. Please be strong for yourself, I will be strong for myself too.
   Thank you for loving me all this time. You have touched my heart for your efforts and honesty and sincerity. I belief that you have no more regrets like last time coz’ this time you really did your best. I truly cherish and admire you. A person like you is hard to find. Please treat yourself well. Please continue to love yourself and bring yourself more happiness into your life. Everything happens for a reason.
   If we are able to handle this face to face, I would want to give you many hugs for the last moments. I am sorry and thank you so much for everything. *hugs* 
p.s. Later when you are back from your activities, if you need to chat with me, I’ll be there. Just drop me a msg. If possible, I would like to know how you think and feel as well.
With love,
Woan Wei.

So, it is time to let go.
I am now on another level of life. This is a new start of another chapter in life.
I am taking a step to unknown places. Hoping to find more happiness, be more true to myself and achieve my every dream and goal in life.

On the other hand, he seems strong with it. I am glad that he’s able to handle this positively. He’s truly a remarkable person.

Thank you for loving me. I hope and pray that you may be happy and have a greater life. May you continue to strive for your goals and dreams, and achieve all of them.

Here’s a song for you…
Thank you for loving me by BonJovi.


Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Life for Rent

~click play on the above to enjoy the song.



 Currently, that's how I feel.


Friday, 14 August 2009


Why am I feeling this way?
Is it that the string is getting longer? Where each ends are getting further apart?
There are so many doubts.
I truly want to hold on  as much as I could.
The longer I hold on to, the more I lost the sense of purpose.
Wondering, whether we are still interweaving on each other's path.
Thinking back, the precious moments of the past.
However, past and present and future seemed like the sand and the sea water.
The sand and water are apart of the sea.
When they are mixed and shaked up, a beautiful complex pattern will be formed.
And the dispositions of the sand and water will always be different than before.
However, when things calmed, they both will be back in their own state.
The sand will be resting on the seabed, while the water is still flowing and moving forward.
There's a treshold between the solid and the liquid; or higher and lower density form.
Although the time lines are like heaven and earth, it is up to us to how we handle the flow of the present.
Here, I am questioning myself and my present feelings.
What are these waves of feelings?
So seasonal.
Sometimes bright warm and welcoming, sometimes dark cold and terrifying.
Truly, what am I to do with these? I do not know.
I believe that I do not belong to myself, so my feelings do not belong to me either.
I will just let it be.
No matter how hostile these feelings are, I will just let it be.
Always look on the bright side, the beauties of these wonders are brilliant.
Without the bad ones, we can't appreciate the good ones.
--Bad and good are just labels. In truth, their difference are whether they are favourable in our own point of view.--
Anyway, I am giving myself a few months time to truly unveil how I feel and what do I really want.
Same goes for the other side as well.
Hope that the other side will take the opportunity understand his desires and dreams too.
Hope that everything will turn out for the best.
And may each end's future will have happiness, peace and freedom whether it is still woven together or not.
We are on a quest of our own.
May this quest helps us find the key to our truest self.